Friday, August 5, 2011

If Judy's Breakfast Doesn't Work...

Take a read at this article from

Saturday, July 30, 2011

With This Bow I Thee Wed

Now, I wasn't there, but rumors were swirling about the beautiful day, being outside, mosquitos and sunshine. I believed it, and now I feel like a fool because I found evidence to the contrary. Jake and Jolene, at the moment the pastor called for the vows "Jake and Jolene, do you take one another to be their spouse...", simultaneously pulling the 80lbs of tension back, together, aiming at the deer target with a sign draped on its side right above the front leg stating... "I do." Release and a kiss. Congratulations you two!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

5 Days in December

It comes and goes like the flash of a white tail bouncing over the hill. We look forward to it all year. Yes, we carry out our lives for those 360 days, but always in the back of our heads we know that it is coming. For five days in December we kiss our families, our jobs (for most of us) and our self-respect goodbye.

The anticipation builds as we "fly" into town on the hopes of the big one, knowing that sleep will be scarce and the coffee will be plentiful, and the bacon, ohhh, the bacon. Some have grown a considerable amount of hair in honor of this tradition. Others have tried, hoping year after year there will be at least one more whisker to join the others in the coveted "deer beard".

There is a deer camp mom waiting for us with beds made and food prepared. What would we be without her? From Searsboro to Germany, from Kauai to the Carolinas, from Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa they come, like a traveling side-show complete with costumes, bad hygiene and prostate problems. We are at deer camp and that's where we want to be.